Bunratty Cratloe FC

Founded 1990

Co. Clare

Dust down the boots, you're never too old to play football ..

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Great news for all those in the twilight of their illustrious playing careers. Bunratty Cratloe FC are looking to start an Over 40's (or late 30's), group !

We are looking to start an over 30's/40's team for the club, which will look to train during the week, and have some sort of competition in a league or half-day format, with clubs of the same age profile, and potentially some internal league/competition, every couple of weeks and/or over the summer months.

The new team will continue to train and play beyond the summer and we can look to add a winter competition if there is the interest.

It will be a good way to stay fit (or get fit) guys, allow for a bit more competition when the group play against other club groups (external to the club), and most importantly - provide an opportunity for social get togethers in the form of BBQ's, drinks, etc. when we play or host any half-day tournaments or things like that.

The format of the League/Cup competition side is still in the works, but we are just looking to gauge interest within the club to see who might be interested.

If you are interested, please reply privately with a πŸ‘πŸ» and a ⚽ next to it with your full name and DOB, to the contact details below, so we can add you to the WhatsApp group we have set up.

We would encourage people of all abilities and fitness levels to get involved, as this is something that is supposed to be a bit of fun, and will cater for anyone who wants to play. πŸ‘πŸ»βš½βš½

Contact Peter @ +353861975531

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